Angelology – Doctrine of Angels 2019-09-21T11:50:06+00:00

 The voice of the CLASSIC CONSENSUS is one that has been accepted throughout history, whether sixth or sixteenth century, whether Africa or Asia, East or West.

The intention of CLASSIC CHRISTIANITY is to “set forth what is most commonly stated in the central Christian tradition concerning God” which runs deeper than the view of any branch of modern Christianity. 

THE DOCTRINE OF ANGELOLOGY is one of ten major divisions of systematic theology. It considers the facts concerning the angels, unfallen and fallen.[1] The “responsibility of self-determination” given to angels to remain in or depart from the “holy estate” into which they were inducted by creation allowed some to become the “fallen,” with Lucifer as the first.[2] He was “perfect” in all of his ways, from the day of his creation, until iniquity was found in him.[3]

According to Heiser, author of the Naked Bible blog,[4] the ancient Israelites saw the spiritual world as a three-tiered hierarchy with God at the top, angels (mal’ak) on the lowest tier of the hierarchy (the mal’ak who carry out modest tasks) and the beney elohim (sons of God) in the middle. In, The Unseen Realm, Heiser declares the sons of God to be the Divine Council. He shows that, according to Psalm 82:1, God has a Divine Council which is a collection of spiritual beings through whom God chooses to administer His rule. They are involved in the affairs of men. 1 Kings 22 describes a meeting of the Divine Council where it was discussed who would entice Ahab. [5]

Arnold agrees that there are angelic powers over the nations, using Deuteronomy 32:8-9 as his proof text, where it is stated that God divided the nations and the boundaries of men according to the number of the sons of God. By implication, the sons of God are ‘over’ the affairs of man.[6] Psalm 82 also reveals that some of the Sons of God have rebelled.[7] In Daniel 10:13,20,21; 12:1, we see that there has indeed been a rebellion since both the Princes of Persia and Greece were hostile. Scripture teaches that “angels not only observe the affairs of men, but that good angels minister to man’s well-being (Heb. 1:14)”[8] Benoit sees that the “host of heaven” were indeed recognized as divine beings in the ancient world but that they were objects of idolatrous worship. He highlights that various peoples were assigned (see Deuteronomy 4:19) to angelic Princes such as Persia, Greece, and Israel (Michael) [9] This assignment of people / disinheritance of the nations, occurred at Babel.[10]

Hamp would agree with him that the host of heaven wanted to be worshiped but that the idea of not serving man (as God intended) but being served (and worshiped) by man instead, originated with Satan. [11] Hence his “much traffic” and “merchandising” as he whispered rebellion into the ears of many angels.[12] The result of his pride is that “iniquity was found in him.” Revelation 12 teaches us that one third of the angels created by God, fell with Satan. We also learn in this chapter that, in the future there will be a war in heaven after which Satan’s place will be found in heaven no more. Ultimately, all rebellious ones, human or angelic will be cast into the lake of fire along with Death and Hades.

In conclusion, Ryrie agrees that there is a tendency to neglect the study of this doctrine and that, even Calvin was cautious in discussing this subject (Institutes, I, xiv, 3)[13] Chafer saw that the Bible student is confronted with a vast revelation of Satan in the Bible and that, next to the Trinity Three, this greatest of foes is held most before the Christian’s contemplation, hence “corresponding attention ought to be given to this doctrine with no apology for doing so.”[14]

[1] Chafer, Lewis Sperry. 1983. Systematic Theology, Volume 1. p15

[2] Chafer, Lewis Sperry. 1983. Systematic Theology, Volume 2. 28-29

[3] Chafer, Lewis Sperry. 1942. “Angelology.” Bibliotheca Sacra 99 (393): 23

[4] Michael S. Heiser.

[5] Heiser, Michael S. 2015. The Unseen Realm. Ch 3

[6] Clinton E. Arnold. Powers of Darkness: Principalities & Powers in Paul’s Letters (Kindle Location 662). Kindle Edition.

[7] Teaching Videos: The gods of the Bible, Part 2. (Accessed September 7, 2019) minute 4:03 – 7:09.

[8] Chafer, Lewis Sperry. 1983. Systematic Theology, Volume 2. 2

[9] Benoit, Pierre. 1983. “Pauline Angelology and Demonology: Reflexions on Designations of Heavenly Powers and on Origin of Angelic Evil According to Paul.” Religious Studies Bulletin 3 (1): 8.

[10] Heiser, Michael S. 2015. The Unseen Realm. 122

[11] Douglas Hamp Ministries 2012. “When Did Satan Fall? The Angelic Domain – Before Genesis 1:1 or After? Gap Theory Refuted” Accessed September 1, 2019. Minutes 1:07:00 – 1:16:57

[12] Chafer, Lewis Sperry. 1942. “Angelology.” Bibliotheca Sacra 99 (393): 23-24

[13] “Angelology: The Doctrine of Angels” Accessed September 7, 2019.

[14]   Chafer, Lewis Sperry. 1942. “Angelology.” Bibliotheca Sacra 99 (393): 13-16


Benoit, Pierre. “Pauline Angelology and Demonology: Refelxions on Designations of Heavenly Powers and on Origin of Angelic Evil According to Paul.” Religious Studies Bulletin 3 (1): 1-18, 1983.

Chafer, Lewis Sperry. “Angelology.” Bibliotheca Sacra 99 (393), January 1942: 6-25

—. Systematic Theology, Volume 1 & 2. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregal Publications, 1993.

—. Systematic Theology, Volume 3 & 4. Michigan: Zondervan, 1993.

Clinton, Arnold E. Powers of Darkness. ILLINOIS: Intervarsity Press, 1992.

Hamp, Doug. When Did Satan Fall? The Angelic Domain – Before Genesis 1:1 or After? Gap Theory Refuted. Dec 10, 2012. (accessed September 1, 2019).

Heiser, Michael. Miqlat teaching videos. n.d. (accessed September 7, 2019).

Heiser, Michael S. The Unseen Realm. Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2015. Angelolgy: The Doctrine of Angels. n.d. (accessed September 7, 2019).